Ghostrunner PsReview
The Best 14 Ghostrunner Ps5 Review - Ghostrunner is a game about a robotic ninja with the ability to run on walls, slow time, avoid gunshots in midair, and kill foes with a single swipe of his sword. And it genuinely lives up to the hype. Ghostrunner has gone from being a game I knew nothing about to one of my most anticipated games of the year after only one demo. In the demo, you wake up in the slums of a cyberpunk-inspired metropolis. It has the lighting, graffiti, and general visual that you'd expect from the genre. Jordan Minor's Ghostrunner (PC) Review 29th of October, 2020 In conclusion Ghostrunner includes fierce melee fighting, agile first-person platforming, and plenty of cyberpunk flavor. Sadly, PAX East Preview: Ghostrunner Peter Glagowski's Published on February 24, 2020 Ghostrunner, a promising-looking game from 3D Realms, will be playable at PAX East this year. 3D Realms, the publisher, has been on a roll lately. Last year's Ion Fury demonstrated the comp...