
The Best 8 Durchsichtig - cautiously (comparative durchsichtiger, superlative am durchsichtigsten) sheer, translucent, transparent Synonyms: apparent, transparent, and transluzent untidy; obtrusive; obtrusive; Declension Durchsichtig in a positive sense. gender and number singular and plural durchsichtig male feminine neuter both genders durchsichtig, see-through, transparent, transparently More information can be found in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary.

Durchsichtiger Stoff

Although the KWR-Frage "durchsichtig" is not one of the most often visited KWR-Frages, it has been visited 382 times. The correct answer to the Rtselfrage KLAR begins with the letter K, contains four letters, and ends with the letter R. brigens: on this page, you have access to over 440.000 Rtsel questions - and tglich Extensive Crosswordrtsel-Lsungen All Lsungen with 4 - 19 Buchstaben zur Begriff Durchsichtig in the Rtsel Help

This is unacceptable to us, and it is thorough. His motivations are clear, and his acts are abhorrent to us. cautiously (also: schier, durchscheinend, pur, unvermischt, dnn, blo, blank, rein, von der Bahn abweichen) sheer adv. volume up cautiously (also: durchscheinend, lichtdurchlssig) volume up. careful. careful. careful. careful. careful. careful. careful. careful. careful. careful. careful adj [Material] see-through. [Bluse, etc.] see-through. [Wasser, Luft] clear (figuratively) transparent [Stil] clear and lucid Collins Dictionary translation German - English Also see: Durchsicht, Durchsichtigkeit, Durchstich, and Durchschlag. " durchsichtig ": instances and context translations

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